North West Employers Hub

Anyone with responsibility for HR and Payroll will be only too aware of the myriad of constantly changing legislation and compliance around employment law and payroll.

The recently formed North West Employers Hub (NWEH) provides support and advice to anyone with HR and payroll responsibilities. We have several events planned throughout the year to guide businesses through the hottest employment topics and legislative changes help you to remain compliant.

Through speakers, training sessions and forum discussions we will focus on the most productive methods and policies to create better employee engagement and productivity.  We will also share expert knowledge and ensure you are kept up to date on employment law, whilst enabling you to connect with other HR professionals.

One of the key topics for 2020 is undoubtedly going to be Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace and we’re delighted to announce that the main speaker at our launch seminar, on 31st March will be Paul Howarth of PH7.

Paul and Sarah Collier (head of employment at KBL Solicitors) will provide a practical and realistic insight into the issues of mental health and wellbeing, teaching you how to identify potential issues before they occur and how to be able to help and correctly handle concerns.

The free to attend breakfast seminar is taking place on Tuesday March 31st at the Dunkenhalgh Hotel, starting at 8.30am and finishing with a Q& A session at 10am.  Places are limited and open only to those with HR responsibility.

We also have 2 other events scheduled:

  • Thursday 19th March 2020. Payroll Update – hear the latest changes taking place from April 2020 and how the future of payroll is shaped. Speakers Lisa Kennery and Philip Johnson, Pierce Accountants.
  • Date to be confirmed.  Parental Bereavement Leave – understanding and implementing the new right which comes into force on 6th April 2020 and the wider impact on the individuals involved.  Speakers Sarah Collier, KBL Solicitors and Paul Howarth, PH7.

If you’d like to know more about NWEH events please call Gill Hart on 01254 268791 or email or to book follow this link  North West Employers Hub

