National Minimum Wage increase – February 2016

The National Minimum Wage (Amendment) Regulations come into force on 1 April 2016.  

The new minimum wages from 1 April 2016 will therefore be:-

  • age 25+ – £7.20 per hour (the National Living Wage)
  • 21-25 – £6.70 per hour
  • 18-21 – £5.30 per hour
  • under 18 – £3.87 per hour
  • apprentices – £3.30 per hour

KBL are able to assist employers who may be struggling with these changes. Importantly, employers must remember that any dismissal that could be deemed to be directly linked to a rise in the national minimum wage may amount to an unfair dismissal or an act of discrimination. Extra care therefore must be taken to ensure that employers are able to clearly evidence their reasons for dismissal.
